Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Finally after months of wondering how I was going to pull this off. My father's boat in Alaska, Bristol Bay Naknek to be exact was where I found my art appreciation for the holidays and he was so happy to receive such a genuine present.
Adrianne Jezin @ the om sanctuary.
June 2011, San Pedro's first Thursday art walk @ Om Sanctuary 731 S. Pacific Ave.
This art show was so fulfilling to me as I occupied the back room of this establishment owned by Cherrise Lanier. My father Anthony Jezin kicked off the night when he arrived and purchased an 11x14 original drawing art print! The few art gazers that passed through included a group of teenage girls who were so fascinated and inspired by my art, their questions and comments filled my soul with young energy and delight. The best feeling I've had as an artist so far.