Monday, May 19, 2014

Garcia Mural Project

I've been given the opportunity to create a mural on a friends backyard wall. The Garcia Home in Long Beach, CA. This wall is 23 feet by 7 feet roughly. Started this project on saturday, May 17 2014. Prepped the wall with primer (2 coats), then put on first layer of paint. I used a dark purple color on the left side that blended in with a pinkish color in the middle, followed by a small area of sporadic spray paint (Liquitex Burnt Sienna color) then finally on the right side of wall, green.

2nd day of mural.

So for this 2nd day of painting I went in and outlined the basic sketch of what the contents of the mural will be. A sun with it's rays on the left with clouds on the bottom of it connecting to clouds under a huge lotus flower which will be the focal point of the mural. 

On the right of the lotus flower I'll be painting in tree branches with cherry blossoms and finally on the right the om symbol which translates to: 

Clouds surround the mural top and bottom and on the right side. These clouds will be different colors with an arrangement of color that blends from each side of the color spectrum. Underneath the sun there is a cloud connecting there and that will have colors related to the sun, browns, reds, oranges and yellows. The lotus flower will have army green leaves (just a few) then as you can see the tiles inside the pool have a certain blue/black mixture in each one of them that i've re-created with the shapes inside the clouds next to the sun and those will continue just on the top part of the clouds. I'm having an idea to do the same idea for the bottom set of clouds except use an array of browns for those shapes. This mural should come together pretty swell. Can't wait to post the finished product!

Here's a video on the 3rd day of creation.

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