Saturday, December 29, 2012

My latest piece

"The Eye of The Tiger"
36x36 Mixed Media on Canvas. $475 @

This new piece I've been working on for a while now. I began with the top portion of the painting and then worked my way down. It was kinda hard deciding exactly where to place everything in the piece. In the end this is what I came up with, hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I just finished a group of paintings that have red, black, white and baby blue flourishing throughout them. I wouldn't say that my artwork is unorganized but it could look that way, however when it all comes together strangely the unorganized works.

Prismacolor Premier Double Ended Art Markers, 48 Colored Markers (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 18: Facing Irrational Knowledge

December 18th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

3 days until 12.21.12

Facing knowledge is one of the greatest acts of power. We face our own identity, the image we create of ourselves.  Can you take an honest look at yourself and see how the conflict in your mind is between what you think you know about yourself, and who you really are?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 17: Silent Knowledge vs Irrational Knowledge

December 17th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

4 days until 12.21.12

The real conflict that exists in the human mind is between Silent Knowledge, which is the truth, and Irrational Knowledge, which is based in what we learned and what we assume. Can you remember a time when you had a direct connection with silent knowledge?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 16: Irrational Knowledge II

December 16th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

5 days until 12.21.12

We create Irrational Knowledge, it is our interpretation of our surroundings and what we have learned thought out our life experiences. What is your earliest learning memory?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 15: Irrational Knowledge I

December 15th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

6 days until 12.21.12

We create Irrational Knowledge, it is our interpretation of our surroundings and what we have learned thought out our life experiences. What is your earliest learning memory?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 14: Knowledge

December 14th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

7 days until 12.21.12

There are two types of knowledge. One is silent and we are born with it. The other we continue to learn through words and concepts. When we learn from others, we have the ability to distort what we learn.
Remember to have a piece of paper and pen to do the exercises, and by December 21st, you will have a compilation of thoughts -your story- that will represent your point of view and how you can transform it to Awaken the Giant within you.

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 13: Facing Irrational Power

December 13th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

8 days until 12.21.12

Once we understand how we have distorted our concept of power, and used that concept to create a whole spectrum of emotional reactions to power, we can embrace it for what it truly is without any story attached to it. Are you ready to let go of your old antiquated ideas of control and victimization?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 12: Overcoming Irrational Power

December 12th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

9 days until 12.21.12

We can change our stories and our emotional reaction to the world when we can see how our concept of power is tied into our “identity”. What stories have your changed or want to change?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 11: Control of Power

December 11th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

10 days until 12.21.12

The need to control power comes when we realize we can control those who are afraid of power. How has this manifested in your life? What rules have you created that you must follow? What does your knowledge tell you when you break your own rules?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 10: Struggle with Power

December 10th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

11 days until 12.21.12

The struggle with power comes when we want to have control over other people and at the same time we are afraid to let that go. We jump between being a victim and tyrant of power. Have you experienced how you influenced others with your words or actions? Or maybe how you’ve been influenced by someone else’s words?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 9: Victim of Power

December 9th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

12 days until 12.21.12

You can become a victim of irrational power when you allow your fears to take over when experiencing a form of authority and sometimes we are afraid to face this within us. What is your emotional reaction to authority? In what situation have you realized that you are the one giving power to someone else?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 8: Your relationship with Power

December 8th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

13 days until 12.21.12

Do you understand how and why you react to the idea if power? Have you ever been a victim of power, or have you ever struggled with the need to control power?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 7: Irrational Power

December 7th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

14 days until 12.21.12

We can experience power from three different points of view. With which one do you relate to the most?  Can you see all three points of views in action around you?
Remember to have a piece of paper and pen to do the exercises, and by December 21st, you will have a compilation of thoughts -your story- that will represent your point of view and how you can transform it to Awaken the Giant within you.

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 6: Power

December 6th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

15 days until 12.21.12

Power by itself is really just potential energy and that energy creates everything that we perceive.  When we perceive power in motion we can distort what we perceive. We create irrational power or the illusion of power and use that power to influence  others or be influenced by others.  What is your relationship with irrational power?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 5: Overcoming Fear

December 5th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

16 days until 12.21.12

We can gain so much clarity once we overcome our fears.  Our insecurities no longer cloud our actions.  Have you noticed an increased clarity when you are no longer afraid of an outcome?
Remember to have a piece of paper and pen to do the exercises, and by December 21st, you will have a compilation of thoughts -your story- that will represent your point of view and how you can transform it to Awaken the Giant within you.

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 4: Recognizing Fear

December 4th, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

17 days until 12.21.12

By recognizing that we are afraid, we can face our fear.  Can you remember a time when you faced a fear and overcame it?  What are you afraid now that you can look at and grow from?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 3: Fear

December 3rd, 2012

Countdown to December 21st

18 days until 12.21.12

Irrational Fear can become an obsession. Can you remember a time when you were afraid of something that wasn’t true?
Remember to have a piece of paper and pen to do the exercises, and by December 21st, you will have a compilation of thoughts -your story- that will represent your point of view and how you can transform it to Awaken the Giant within you.

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Day 2: Enlightenment

 Countdown to December 21st

19 days until December 21st, 2012

On the path to enlightenment, there are four major obstacles to overcome. Which obstacle do you struggle with the most?

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Countdown to December 21st

December 1st, 2012

As we get closer to December 21st, 2012, I want to share with you my excitement and thoughts about this important time in which we are living.
Each day, I will post a little message about what each of us can do to make this world a better place. It begins with you, but continues with your loved ones, your family, your coworkers, and your neighbors. Help be part of a change that can restore humanity to a place where love, respect, and truth prevails.
With all my love, Miguel.

don Miguel Ruiz - Blog

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Stencil Series Continues

Here the latest pieces I have put together to be apart of the new stencil series collection of Synchronic Art, Inc.