Sun/Mars Aspects
in Planet Combinations • 150
Self-assertive. Self-directed. Vital force. Primal force. An action-oriented person. Doers. Physical vitality. Sexual vitality. Acting in your own self-interest. Self-centered action. The ability to challenge yourself. Self-propelled. Self-motivated. Initiators. Creative action. Challenging yourself to reach your creative potential. Challenging yourself to be all that you can be. Beating yourself up when you lose. Competitive people. People who know how to assert themselves to get what they want. People who know what they want. Directors. People who direct other people. Leaders. Managers. Coaches. Trainers. Rough, gruff, abrasive people. Antagonists. People who are spurred to achieve more when they are challenged or when they have worthy competitors. People who want to be where the action is. People who won’t back down from a fight.
Heads of companies. Entrepreneurs. People who challenge themselves to be the best at what they do. Fighting against, or simply rejecting, other people’s efforts to get you to do what they want you to do. People who refuse to do what they are told, yet have no problem telling other people what to do. The desire to be your own boss. Inability to listen to authority or be put in an inferior position. Asserting your rights. What’s my next objective? What will I conquer next? What else can I be the best at? Who else can I beat? The need to take your shot when the time is right. The need to prove who you are in the moment. Going for it, with no hesitation, proving who you are. Not letting opportunities to assert who you are – your individuality – pass you by. Being brave enough to show who you are. Being brave enough to prove yourself.
Possibility for violence. Experiencing violence at the hands of men. Experiencing men as base and primal, lacking in refinement. Having a natural affinity for typically “masculine” pursuits. Identifying with men. Identifying with typically “masculine” interests. Tomboys. Self-made men and women. Fighting against authority. Fighting against yourself. Inner tension caused by fighting against your own best interests. Depression when there are no worthy opponents and nothing worth fighting for. Depression through not reaching your potential. Depression through not taking opportunities. “I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody.” Depression through boredom. Needing goals and challenges to reach your full potential. Needing goals and challenges to feel vital and alive. Seizing the moment. Setting the bar higher and higher. Having a direction. Having aim. Directing your energy toward something. Having things to do. Physical activity as a way to get in touch with your core self. Needing outlets for aggression and hostile tendencies. Needing activities to funnel your competitive spirit into. Identifying with champions, fighters, heroes and heroines, and people who generally kick ass.
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