Today's blog is about the metamorphosis that my audience will typically see a painting go through during it's making process. Reason for that is for me to see if it's even worthy of continuing forward with based upon the attention that it gets on the various social media sites like instagram and facebook. If the post received a total of 10 or more likes I can usually guess it's a hit and doesn't need much more done to it. Depending on factors like if it's the end of the night and I barely start a new painting but get most of it complete, I probably will want to throw it on facebook to see how many likes it collects and then go from there. So anyway I'm sure a lot of you out there find yourself wondering why my paintings will look one way one day and completely another the next. I hope that helped you get over your wonderment. Other reasons could still be the issue in this mess but like I always say, "it's part of the process..." Thanks for reading.
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